It lets you meet new people of any age and gender and is a good choice for those who want to show their flirty sass. Download Here. I stan technology. If a screenshot is attempted, it not only ejects you from the app and notifies the other user, but, wait, it will also gray out that screenshot and make it unrecognizable.
b. welcome screen & 1 min video introduction
T his is my own personal project that I have been working on. In Melbourne, people sometimes feel it is difficult to reach out for help or to help. Especially when there is an emergency. In order to solve this issue, I designed a mobile APP that acts as a online medium for people to trade their services using their skills and products in a time-efficient manner. Pap upon a time, there were people living in aop same town.
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A premium membership for higher-level suppliers. Relevancy Transaction Level Response Rate. Supplier Types Trade Assurance. Supplier A premium membership for higher-level suppliers. Supplier Location. Order : OK. Ready to Ship.
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T his is my own personal project that I have been working on. In Melbourne, people sometimes feel it is difficult to reach out for help or to help. Especially when there is an emergency. In order to solve this issue, I designed a mobile APP that acts as a online medium for people to trade their services using their skills and products in a time-efficient manner.
Once upon a time, there were people living in a same town. But they barely knew each. Peter was good at hairdressing but wanted to learn salsa.
Sarah happened to be a salsa dancer, but needed a plumber to fix her bathroom. Jack worked as a plumber. But sometimes he also needed a trendy hairstyle. One day, magic came to the town. So they started to help others as well as get help from. This newly-found ability helped them to is there an app to trade nudes with connected and be closer than. As usual, the is there an app to trade nudes with always ends up with: they lived happily ever.
To create a mobile APP that provides an online trading platform for users to do tradings based on their needs in a timely manner. As always, I followed human-centred design process: research, empathy, ideation and usability testing. However, during my interview, the interviewees mentioned that when they wanted to perform a trade online, they would use platforms such as Airtasker, Gumtree, Meetup and Facebook.
Peer-to-peer marketplaces are really booming right. It will work by bringing peer-to-peer marketplaces to our everyday life. Started from asking the right questions. I spoke to 10 interviewees and 3 of them are freelancers. Based on the affinity map, I created 3 personas.
Based on the Customer Journey Map, all the personas shared the same problems: need to be quick, worry about safety and want more social networking. Those were the main user needs we identified.
Also at the beginning of the project, I felt it was very hard to explain to others what this APP was actually doing. Then I realised that the biggest challenge of this project was to make the APP easy to understand. So apart from users needs, it is equally important to consider the business needs as.
The goal was to prioritising all the features into a product roadmap. I ideated the opportunities based on Customer Journey Map.
Then I leveraged these features by Value VS Efforts, which helped to identify what should be done in short term and long term. As mentioned before, the biggest challenge of this project was to make the APP easy to understand. Here is what I did to achieve this goal. In order to make the home screen easy to understand, I did a bunch of usability testing from paper prototype to final digital version.
As video is a engaging way to introduce the APP. Users mentioned that tutorial is needed for the first time use. Also it is important to educate users the concept about Gitcoins the digital currency used on this App.
The Presentation. I am currently actively seeking for a job. My design works can be viewed in my portfolio. Also, contact me by yinzeng. Sign in. Get started. UX Collective. UX Case Study: Is there an app that can change the world? Yes, there are plenty out there in the market. I think you are going to love it. Yin Zeng Cindy Follow. So how did I design it? Research — Who else operates this space?
Empathise — Time to meet our primary users Based on the affinity map, I created 3 personas. John Watson A busy white collar : I want to get the service quickly and cheaply. This prototype brought to you by InVisionApp. UX Collective We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. UX Collective Follow. We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. Write the first response. Discover Medium.
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